We don't live here anymore. There are several reasons for this...

1) We hadn't planned on staying here very long anyway.

2) 20m came up with this cool new feature...annoying popup windows!!!

3) 20m now claims approximately 13% of the display (800x600) for their banner ad.

4) 20m can now take their place among the elite few who force #2 and #3 on it's users.

5) Really cool places like Fringe of the Web won't play with us unless we get a real domain.

6) Big Al felt really oppressed here. It had something to do with his love for pr0n.

Jonathan and Big Al are proud to present...

X-Corps Security

Stop in and check out the new site...we'd redirect you, but you might not be done reading this crap yet. Oh by the way...Big Al decided to use the name Allen, something about looking more professional???